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What does vision insurance cover?

Vision insurance plans offer coverage for eye care that’s often not covered by a health insurance plan. So, when you choose a vision plan, you’ll pay a premium to have coverage for routine eye exams to check your vision health, as well as prescription eyewear benefits. 1 How do I get vision insurance?

Does vision insurance cover glasses?

With vision insurance, most plans will cover prescription eyewear. When you're shopping for a vision plan, you'll find most states have plans including coverage for both glasses and contacts. 1 If my Medicare plan doesn't include vision benefits, can I apply for vision insurance?

Does Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Texas offer vision plans?

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) vision plans can help you save on eye care costs. You’ll gain savings that may help you pay for things like: See the Individual Vision Plans and Family Vision Plans in your area. Offered through Coverage Plus Central 1 Eye exams may help spot common concerns like glaucoma or cataracts.

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